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Construction underway at New Murabba’s Mukaab gigaproject

Riyadh, the capital and heart of Saudi Arabia, is set to see its population rise to 10 million by 2030

New Murabba to redefine Riyadh's downtown core with innovative urban development

Construction at New Murabba’s Mukaab gigaproject is now in progress, marking a significant step in Riyadh's urban transformation. New Murabba, a key player in Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) and gigaproject sector, showcased its commitment to shaping Riyadh's future at the MENA Construction Summit Saudi Giga Projects 2024.

A Vision for Riyadh’s Future

The summit provided a comprehensive overview of the $880 billion gigaprojects program that is revolutionizing Saudi Arabia. It brought together government officials, developers, contractors, and industry thought leaders to discuss the future of urban development.

Salman Alhubeis, Executive Director of Delivery at New Murabba, participated in a panel discussion titled “Update on the Key Development Plans of Saudi Giga Projects.” He highlighted the significant progress made at Mukaab, the iconic centerpiece of the New Murabba development. "We have already excavated over 5 million cubic meters of material," Alhubeis said, "indicating our strong commitment to building momentum and attracting investors."


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Expert Contributions and Workshops

Raymond Rice, Master Plan Delivery Division Head, detailed the New Modern Downtown, while Thomas Nilsson, Executive Director of Delivery, led several workshops. These sessions focused on the development timeline and structural aspects of Al Mukaab, facilitating valuable industry discussions.

Transforming Riyadh’s Urban Landscape

Riyadh, the capital and heart of Saudi Arabia, is set to see its population rise to 10 million by 2030. New Murabba aims to establish a new downtown core that sets new benchmarks for quality of life and urban development. The project embodies Saudi Vision 2030 by promoting sustainable development, fostering innovation, and creating a vibrant hub for residents, businesses, and visitors.


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New Murabba is designed as one of the world’s first true 15-minute communities, where all major amenities, including schools, hospitals, shopping, and mosques, are within a 15-minute walk for every resident. "We’re not just transforming a region in Riyadh – we’re redefining the concept of a modern downtown," said Michael Dyke, CEO of New Murabba. "Our vision is to create a place where communities can live, work, and thrive, with everything within easy reach."

Showcasing Riyadh’s Transformation

New Murabba’s presence at the summit highlighted the significant transformation underway in Riyadh. The city is experiencing substantial growth, and New Murabba aims to create a vibrant, sustainable, and future-proof downtown district. This project is set to become a benchmark for urban development in the region and beyond.

Source: https://www.constructionweekonline.com/

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