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NEOM's paradigm-shifting approach to personalized health and innovation

 Dr. Mahmoud Alyamany

NEOM's paradigm-shifting approach to personalized health and innovation

The core of a holistic health reform lies in the integration of emerging cutting-edge technologies into personalized care, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches. To fulfill the burgeoning healthcare requirement, Saudi Arabia is investing $500 billion to build an integrated megaproject region, NEOM, to create a human-centric care model through innovative systems, policies, and infrastructure marvels. NEOM is forging to become a global benchmark for innovative technology, research, and education designing advanced treatments and comprehensive care.

NEOM's holistic human-centered approach simplifies medical specializations and gives individuals easy access to their medical profiles. Dr. Mahmoud Alyamany, Head of NEOM Health, Wellbeing Sector elaborated on the futuristic health model during his recent visit to Singapore over the ‘Discover NEOM’ global tour.


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Saudi Arabia’s Vision for NEOM:

NEOM is a region of Saudi Arabia being built from the ground up to redefine human life, by incorporating holistic, technologically advanced, and sustainable design to create a thriving, cohesive society. These touchpoints are what we are set to establish in health here at NEOM.

At NEOM, preventative and inclusive care is a matrix by which digital health technologies, individual-centric unique care systems, and collaboration with the individual themselves work in harmony to achieve ultimate health. In terms of infrastructure, Digital Twinning is a system we discussed at “Discover NEOM” – it is our personalized proactive preventative health system that will assess risk recognition and prevention of health risks in an individual, unifying the health records for all NEOM residents which better enables continuity of care and predictive insights. Additionally, entrepreneurial opportunities in terms of moving the world of digital health delivery and preventative care forward, will be fully supported. Preventative and inclusive care delivery begins at the provider level, so we will be training health providers thoroughly on the unique strategies to provide value-based individualized care.

Investment in Research and Future-Thinking:

We are currently building and equipping state-of-the-art research parks adjacent to the quaternary hospital and NEOM-U to provide a space for clinical practitioners to practice cutting-edge research and participate in biotech, biosimilar innovations, and clinical trials. Investment in research and future-thinking is a step towards establishing a better model of holistic care in NEOM. These facilities will serve as the infrastructure for which internationally acclaimed leaders in the health field can develop new, innovative care techniques, treatments, and more. NEOM’s vision will come to life through our focus on:

Providing a comprehensive experience throughout the entire care process.

Supporting individual empowerment and proactive prevention.

Designing a digital-first ecosystem that’s available 24/7.

Spearheading genetics as the future of personalized care.


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Commercializing Innovations:

Commercializing innovation is pivotal to our vision. NEOM isn't just a place where innovations are born; it's where they're nurtured, refined, and introduced to the world, creating value for all stakeholders involved. Excellent global connectivity and strategic location are our explicit and compelling value propositions. With convenient connectivity between Asia, Europe, and Africa, NEOM lies at the intersection of three continents. Further, we are pioneering new standards in regulation for both people and business. NEOM has 14 economic engines that focus on sectors and industries of the future - including health, wellness, and biotech.

NEOM will also focus on the following areas when investing in Health, Wellbeing, and Biotech: Personalized Health System Development, Evidence-Based Practice and Data Management, Innovative Health Facilities and Services, Health System Design and Individual Engagement, Health Provider Training, and Research and Innovation.

Revolutionizing Health Delivery:

The development of a futuristic health system and top-of-the-line data aggregation systems will be the catalyst for providing elite preventative care and identifying innovative therapies. Personal prevention and health management regimens will include omnipresent health sensors and then interventions integrated into residents' day-to-day lives based on unique individual needs and preferences. We will be set to practice cutting-edge research and participate in biotech, biosimilar innovations, and clinical trials.

NEOM is fundamentally reshaping health by placing a strong emphasis on personalized care, emphasizing:

Digital Twins & Advanced Data.

Intelligent Systems.

Continuous Enhancement.

Fostering a Burgeoning Bioscience Entrepreneurial Landscape:

Our strategy is to foster a diverse and global community at NEOM, with over 3,300 professionals from 95 countries already championing our vision. NEOM is laying the groundwork for a thriving bioscience entrepreneurial ecosystem through:

Research and Development Hubs.

Collaborative Education.

Support for Innovation.

The curating of individualized digital health protocols for all residents of NEOM will allow us to compile a robust set of data that will lead to evidence-based practices and techniques. In addition, this model develops training centers to improve the technical capabilities of health professionals in terms of biotechnology specialization and innovation. Global leaders from multidisciplinary fields can collaborate seamlessly through specialized clinical trials conducted at NEOM research facilities.

Source: https://www.biospectrumasia.com/

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