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IMF: Saudi Arabia's economic growth driven by diversification efforts


IMF: Saudi Arabia's economic growth driven by diversification efforts

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has affirmed that the Saudi economy is undergoing a transformation, with reforms aimed at reducing dependence on oil, diversifying income sources, and enhancing competitiveness.

According to an article published on the IMF's website, titled "Saudi Arabia's Economy Grows as it Diversifies," written by IMF economists Amine Mati and Sidra Rehman, the Fund highlighted the significant progress made in non-oil growth, which averaged 4.8% in 2022, reflecting a doubling of non-oil revenue in just four years due to VAT rate increases and high regulatory compliance.


IMF appreciates Vision 2030 to keep Saudi economic and fiscal position strong


Key points mentioned in the article include:

Non-Oil Exports: Non-oil exports reached a record $84.4 billion in 2022, showcasing Saudi Arabia's success in diversifying its revenue sources.

Diversification Efforts: The manufacturing and services sectors saw a 15% increase over the past two decades, with the tourism sector contributing 4.5% to GDP.

Labor Market Reform: Labor market reform and increased participation of Saudis in high-skilled jobs, which rose from 32% in 2016 to 42% in 2022. Female workforce participation doubled over the past four years, exceeding the Vision 2030 target.

Digitalization: The digital sector's contribution to overall growth increased from 0.2% in 2016 to 15% in 2022, enhancing financial sector resilience, government efficiency, and financial inclusion.

Economic Outlook: Despite lower overall growth due to additional oil production cuts, non-oil growth is expected to remain close to 5% in 2023, driven by strong domestic demand.

Investment: New investment deals and licenses grew significantly in 2022, driven by a new set of laws promoting entrepreneurship, protecting investors' rights, and reducing business costs. The Saudi Investment Fund (PIF) has also played a role in stimulating private sector investment.

Future Challenges: Challenges ahead include ensuring that large projects generate returns and boost productivity, fostering an environment for innovation, and investing in workforce skills to complement diversification efforts.

The IMF's assessment underscores Saudi Arabia's commitment to economic diversification and its progress in achieving the goals outlined in Vision 2030.

Source: https://english.aawsat.com/

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