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Saudi rulers’ vision standing out as an example of successful economic diversification


Saudi rulers’ vision standing out as an example of successful economic diversification

Amid the current backdrop of worldwide economic uncertainty, Saudi Arabia is standing out as a shining example of successful economic diversification. Fueled by the rapid implementation of its Vision 2030 strategies and unwavering political commitment, the country's efforts are yielding positive results even in the face of concerns about inflation and geopolitical tensions.

The most recent report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts a slowdown in global economic growth, dropping from 3.4 percent in the previous year to 2.8 percent in 2023, with an anticipated increase of 3 percent in the following year. This dim global economic projection arises from a mix of factors, including the need for stringent policies to counter inflation, ongoing conflicts like the one in Ukraine, the emergence of geo-economic fragmentation, and vulnerabilities in the nonbank financial sector.

In stark contrast to this gloomy global outlook, Saudi Arabia and several Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations, particularly Saudi Arabia, are experiencing a surge in economic activities and optimism.

Economic Diversification Index

Even amidst market turbulence, Nasser Saidi & Associates, an economic and business advisory consultancy, has revealed a positive trend in Economic Diversification Index scores from 2000 to 2019 in countries such as China, the US, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and Oman. Among GCC nations, except for Bahrain, remarkable progress in EDI scores has been observed during this period.

Evident Tangible Outcomes

Saudi Arabia's ongoing diversification efforts are yielding concrete outcomes in various sectors. Tourism, media, hospitality, entertainment, mining, metals, finance, and the digital realm, including advancements in fintech, AI, and clean energy, have witnessed significant growth. This evolution is particularly noteworthy considering that Saudi Arabia's journey began from a relatively modest economic base.

The IMF also highlights the substantial expansion of Saudi Arabia's non-oil gross domestic product (GDP), which reached 4.8 percent in 2022. This growth has been driven by robust private consumption, non-oil private investment, and large-scale projects. The IMF predicts that non-oil growth will exceed 5 percent in the first half of 2023.

Guided by Vision 2030

The success of Saudi Arabia's diversification can be attributed to a unified, comprehensive governmental approach guided by the ambitious Vision 2030 agenda. Launched in 2016, Vision 2030 has led to various economic and social reforms, including increased women's employment, the development of new economic sectors, and reduced energy subsidies.

The Road Ahead

As Saudi Arabia progresses toward realizing its Vision 2030 goals, the nation is expected to emerge as a regional economic and technological hub, playing an increasingly significant role in global markets.

While Saudi Arabia's diversification efforts have yielded significant benefits, oil remains a dominant contributor to its export and fiscal revenue, accounting for over 40 percent of GDP. To sustain the trajectory of successful diversification, the country is investing in sectors such as mining, metals, hospitality, and tourism. Additionally, the introduction of revenue-enhancing measures, such as higher-value-added tax rates and targeted taxes on specific goods and services, is contributing to more stable government revenues.

The expansion of economic diversification also has potential in the clean energy sector, aligning with the country's goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2060. Saudi Arabia's comparative advantage in solar power could position it as a new energy powerhouse, with the capacity to export clean electricity and hydrogen, bolstering its economic resilience and influence on the global stage.

Source: Arab News

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