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Saudi Minister reviews strategic plans for digital, innovative projects in NEOM

Saudi Minister engaged with NEOM's Chief Executive Officer, Eng. Nadhmi Al-Nasr, and the senior executive team at Tonomus

Saudi Minister discusses plans for innovative projects in NEOM

The Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Eng. Abdullah bin Amer Al-Swaha, has conducted a comprehensive review of NEOM's latest strategic plans and pioneering digital projects aimed at shaping the Kingdom's city of the future, according to a statement.

During his visit, Al-Swaha engaged with NEOM's Chief Executive Officer, Eng. Nadhmi Al-Nasr, and the senior executive team at Tonomus, a subsidiary of NEOM entrusted with advancing state-of-the-art digital infrastructure and developing cognitive solutions for NEOM and its affiliates, as outlined by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.


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Executives from Tonomus provided Al-Swaha with updates on the progress of ongoing projects and outlined forthcoming initiatives to integrate digital technologies within NEOM, throughout Saudi Arabia, across the region, and on a global scale.

Al-Swaha underscored the Kingdom's commitment, under the guidance of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to propel towards a more prosperous future through innovative endeavors aimed at empowering forthcoming generations.


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As part of his visit, the minister toured NEOM's Command Center and the Tonomus Innovation Hub. He also engaged with students enrolled in NEOM's scholarship program, recognizing their pivotal role in advancing Saudi Arabia's digital economy, fostering research and development, and nurturing an environment conducive to innovation. Al-Swaha emphasized their substantial contributions to enhancing the Kingdom's global competitiveness in these critical domains.

Source: https://english.aawsat.com/

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