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Neom in Saudi Arabia to be the most technologically advanced city of the country

Saudi Arabia is developing advanced capabilities in robotics and artificial intelligence

Saudi Arabia’s Neom to offer unparalleled technological facilities to residents

Neom, currently under development in Saudi Arabia, is poised to become the world's most advanced city, offering residents unparalleled technological facilities.

Endorsed as one of the most ambitious projects globally, Neom's projected cost has soared from $500 billion to an astonishing $1.5 trillion. This megacity is a key component of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Vision 2030, which aims to transform the nation's oil-dependent economy into a post-fossil fuel era.


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Neom's potential is undeniable. Critics have raised concerns about its financial, environmental, and humanitarian implications, but the project's scope and scale continue to attract global attention.

Among the impressive plans for Neom are several groundbreaking structures, including Trojena, The Line, the Gulf of Aqaba, Sindalah, and Oxagon. However, the technological innovations slated for the city are just as remarkable.

In 2017, CEO Nadhmi Al-Nasr revealed that Neom would host more robots than human residents, with robotic hotel clerks being one notable example, as reported by Business Insider. The city plans to incorporate "digital twins" to monitor residents' biometrics and health data, and humanoid robots will assist with hotel check-ins.


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Neom's vision also includes an "immersive, mixed-reality metaverse," further cementing its status as the world's most high-tech city. As these ambitious plans unfold, Neom is set to revolutionize urban living and set a new standard for technological integration.

Source: The News

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